Friday, March 28, 2014

Aging Some Old Hickory Branches

Taking a break from the mighty oak and doing some other projects.

As many of you know, we continue to ween ourselves from the instant gratification mindset. Today, my primary focus is towards a more long-term, self-sustaining future. When I get out and get involved with the natural processes, I begin to learn how each of these little micro-environments are all connected and can sustain life if it is all in balance.

April 27th, 2011 was the infamous day of the massive tornado outbreak. We had one skip over the house, but took out many old hardwoods on my property and our neighbor's property.

One of these casualties was a beautiful old hickory in the pasture beyond the woods. While cutting this tree, I actually visualized today. I mean I knew I would be able to put these branches to use sometime in the future. I left these branches exposed to the elements in the treeline of the woods on the property. During this time, the natural decay process occurred and aged these branches for me.

After I moved the branches from under a blanket of leaves, the chickens had a nice buffet waiting on them. I guess the whole point I am trying to make is that I am, in fact, living the dream and I am seeing exactly where I fit into building a thriving environment on this property.

I will be putting these aged hickory branches to good use in the near future and will allow the natural decay continue.

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