Thursday, February 27, 2014

For the beginning vegetable grower


Most of us have our garden plans semi-finalized. Some of us even have started seeding indoors in anticipation of the arrival of Spring.

I know we have a lot of folks who want to grow veggies for the first time.

For those of you who are just beginning--welcome. You will enjoy growing food, but it will take a little research and tender loving care on your part.

Here is a quick list of crops (plants) I recommend to start:
1. Lettuce is one of the easy crops to grow. It is also an early cool weather crop.

2. Garden peas are also an early crop. Most peas are vines and will need to be trellised. You can also try some field peas such as black-eyed peas which are a bush type plant.

3. Cucumbers require some type trellising. Great summer salad additive as well as for pickles. Lots of varieties to choose from.

4. Summer squash grows abundantly during the summer. We like the crookneck which is great when pan fried with onions and zucchini. Allow plenty of room for them to spread out.

5. Zucchini is also a heavy producer. Allow room to spread and enjoy the harvest. We enjoy making zucchini bread for the whole year and freezing it.

6. Carrots thrive in sandy type soils but give them a try if you can work the soil deep enough for them. Get these started early in the spring and enjoy.

7. Spinach is an early season crop that can be served fresh or canned. Harvest leaves as the plants begin to mature and continue harvesting.

8. Tomatoes can be started from seed, but I personally do not recommend this for the beginner. Pick up some "transplants" from any local nursery. Buy heirloom varieties and learn to save some seed.

If you have any others you can recommend for the beginner, please feel free to do so.

As always, be sure to share this with others.

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