Friday, March 28, 2014

Aging Some Old Hickory Branches

Taking a break from the mighty oak and doing some other projects.

As many of you know, we continue to ween ourselves from the instant gratification mindset. Today, my primary focus is towards a more long-term, self-sustaining future. When I get out and get involved with the natural processes, I begin to learn how each of these little micro-environments are all connected and can sustain life if it is all in balance.

April 27th, 2011 was the infamous day of the massive tornado outbreak. We had one skip over the house, but took out many old hardwoods on my property and our neighbor's property.

One of these casualties was a beautiful old hickory in the pasture beyond the woods. While cutting this tree, I actually visualized today. I mean I knew I would be able to put these branches to use sometime in the future. I left these branches exposed to the elements in the treeline of the woods on the property. During this time, the natural decay process occurred and aged these branches for me.

After I moved the branches from under a blanket of leaves, the chickens had a nice buffet waiting on them. I guess the whole point I am trying to make is that I am, in fact, living the dream and I am seeing exactly where I fit into building a thriving environment on this property.

I will be putting these aged hickory branches to good use in the near future and will allow the natural decay continue.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Birdhouse Gourd Planter


As we continue on this journey, more of nature is being revealed to us.  I have been researching, exploring and creating some unconventional growing techniques for this growing season.  In this pic, I am growing some aloe vera in a home-grown birdhouse gourd.  I drew a design for the opening and used an Exacto knife to carefully cut the opening.  Sometimes you just have to think outside of the pot.

I will be doing some other unique growing methods as we progress through this growing season.  Make sure you subscribe to get updates.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Frost Danger--Plum Tree Protection

Greetings Friends,

Today is the 23rd of March, 2013.  Tonight the temperature is projected to drop to 30F.  As you can see one of our plum trees has enjoyed the last week or so of mid temperatures.  It has blossomed about 2-3 weeks early.  I needed to protect this plum because Lynne will be producing home-made plum jelly this year.

This will be a step-by-step post, but use your own creativity to come up with your own solutions.  I learn from others on projects like this, but always modify it to my own needs and available materials.


The first step for most projects is to figure out how you will accomplish the task and what materials you will need.  As you can see from this image, I intentionally left out a tarp, hammer and stakes.  I do this because I don't want you to follow what I do all of the time.  I feel it is CRITICAL for each of us to take examples, analyze it and adapt it to our own.  As you can see I am using bamboo.  I am blessed that I have my own, sustainable bamboo groves for projects like this.  If you don't have your own grove, find one and ask the property owner for some cuttings.  Most will be willing for you to harvest all you like.  If you do this, take an offering for trade.  Home-canned goodies always seem to do the trick.

Here you can see me trimming the tips of the bamboo with some heavy-duty garden shears.  I cut the tips to keep it from punching through the sheet and tarp.

Next, I begin to wicker the bamboo into the main branches of the tree.  I will put one near the center and four around the perimeter.

I use the roll of jute cord shown in the photo above.  I picked up a big roll which is considered bailing twine.  I wrap and tie the bamboo to the branch.

 Here is a closeup of hoe I tie the bamboo to the branch.

I try to find a bamboo stick that will protrude about 2-3 inches from the tips of the branches.

 For those bamboo sticks that are too long, I flip it over and measure where I need to cut the stick.

I use loppers to cut the bamboo stick to length

I continue the process of laying in the bamboo to support the sheet and tarp.

I extended this one to accommodate the branches above this one.

Another view of adding the bamboo.

Almost ready to add the sheet.

I use a length of bamboo and allow the wind to help me drape the sheet over  the bamboo.

I know you were wondering my I had clothespins in the 2nd photo right?  I use them to hold the sheet in place while I add the heavier tarp over the top of the sheet.  These will stay in place while I am protecting the tree.

I stretch the tarp out and tie jute cord to the corner grommets.  I also pound some stakes in the ground and tie off the cord.

Here, you can see how I tied it down.

OK, so now you may have some questions.  Please feel free to ask in the comment section.

If you think others can use this information, please share the link to our blog.  If you want future updates, be sure to subscribe to our blog.

2-cycle gas/oil mix ratios

Whether you need to figure out the fuel/oil mix for your 2-cycle chainsaw or your string trimmer, trying to figure out how much oil to use can be mind boggling.

Do yourself a favor and print this chart and keep it in your shed, garage or workshop. Many different manufactures have different ratios and sometimes even the same manufactures have different ratios for different equipment.

Extend the life of your equipment and keep it performing at optimal levels.

As always, be sure to share this image. FB is limiting my posts and only about 10 percent are receiving updates like this. Also, go to our blog and subscribe to updates, I am weening myself away from FB.

Happy Trails My Friends

Saturday, March 22, 2014

New Growth and New Beginnings

Take time to marvel at the beauty of spring.
This time of year represents
new growth and new beginnings.

Temperature is forecasted for 23F on Tuesday evening.  Will protect this early bloomer with bamboo and sheets.  Gotta save the plums for plum jelly.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Garden Peas

Garden peas are breaking ground.

I planted these in my "Pollination Islands". This island is named "Nikola Island" because this one includes the power pole. The power pole is significant because of Nikola Tesla's significant contribution to today's power distribution systems.

The Pollination Islands are coming along just fine. Will be posting additional pics in the future.


Sunday, March 2, 2014

Just Talking Crap--Septic Systems 101


Something as simple as flushing the toilet isn't significant until it doesn't flush properly.  Most of us who are on a journey towards self-sufficiency either live in a rural area or have plans to do so.  One of the basic facts about rural living is that your waste water is typically piped to a septic system.  Even in municipalities or suburbs, you may have a septic system.  I think every one of us has a little knowledge about these systems, but how many of us really know how they work?

Even if you have a waste water system that goes to a water treatment plant, this post should be beneficial for you as well.  The next property you live on may have a septic field.  After living on our property for 5 years, we had to call out the septic pumper truck Friday.  We had already tried household remedies for a stopped up line to no avail.  Our biggest fear was that our septic system had failed and would need to be replaced.  We were not ready for an $8,000 expense right now to replace it.  Fortunately, we only needed it pumped out.  As it turns out the septic tank pre-dates the 70s and has never been pumped clean.   So, just how does this system work and how often should I get it pumped out?  Great questions.  Since having initial backups with the plumbing, I began a quest for knowledge.  There is some conflicting information out there, but I will attempt to clear up any confusion. Photo by:

The 3 main component of a septic system are:  a main line, septic tank, and drain field. Septic systems include plumbing to carry waste from the home to the septic tank.  This is also known as a drainage line or main line.  Sometimes the mainline gets clogged before waste even reaches the septic tank.  When this happens a flexible wire or metal "snake" is used to clear the clog.

The septic tank is next in line.  Waste water enters the tank where it is stored and  allowed to naturally decompose.  These tanks vary is size and construction.  Most tanks will range from 500-2000 gallons.  Most tanks are made of concrete, but also may be made from fiberglass or polyethylene. Solid waste is broken down by bacteria and the processed liquid waste water (effluent) exits the tank to the drainage field.  The tank has an inlet and outlet which typically have a t-fitting or baffle to direct the waste water. The drainage field or leech field is designed to take the processed waste water and return it to the earth.  This water is filtered through percolation which completes the process. Those are the basic components, now lets look at a few more basics.

Image by:

As you can see from the illustration above, waste water enters the septic tank.  This waste is then broken down with bacteria and separated into scum and sludge.  Scum is all of those particles that are lighter than the water.  This includes oils, grease, and toilet tissue.  Sludge is all of those heavier particles that sink to the bottom.  These particles are stored in the tank.  The particles that can't be processed remain in the tank and build up over a period of time.  It is essential for everyone with a septic system to understand what can and cannot be put in the system. General awareness can assist in keeping your system alive and functioning effectively.  There is a lot of misinformation about what can be put in your system.  If you have any doubt about the information presented here, please do some additional research on your own.

Most septic professionals will tell you to never put anything that has not been processed by the human body into the system.  The exception is toilet paper and periodic septic maintenance products.  A healthy and properly functioning system will NOT require any supplements. Now for those things you want to avoid putting in your system.  Some of these are more obvious than others:

-  Dirt or soils of any kind
-  Feminine hygiene products
-  Cooking oils and grease
-  Coffee grounds
-  Food scraps
-  Cigarette butts
-  Anti-septic or anti-bacterial soaps
-  Bleach products
-  Kitty litter
-  Condoms
-  Chemical household cleaning products
-  Painting supplies to include paint thinners and paints
-  Drugs and medications
-  Any other products that are NOT biodegradable

It is important that you educate all family members and house guests that you are on a septic system and those items that can not be processed by your system.  You also need to understand that a garbage disposal is fine for folks on a municipal sewage system, but not recommended for septic systems.  When you have house guests, your waste water flow increases as well and may over task your system. Too much demand and improper maintenance can result in costly repairs or replacement to your system.  When you overload your system, solid waste particles could enter your drain field which could result in failure of your system.  Water conservation and fixing leaks can extend the frequency for maintenance.  Check toilets for leaks by pouring a package of koolaid in each tank.  Wait about an hour and look for color in the bowl.  If the bowl is colored significantly, you may need to replace the flapper. Probably the most often debated question about septic systems is how often it should be pumped out.  Remember that your own pumping schedule will be determined by amount of waste water flow, volume of solids, and capacity of tank.  Although it is not recommended to use a garbage disposal, some folk do.  If a garbage disposal is used, it will significantly increase the amount of sludge in your tank and require more frequent pumping.  The following illustration will help in your own decision for periodic maintenance.  Your local septic pumping company will typically charge based on the thickness of the scum and sludge.  By thickness, they are talking about distance and not consistency.

 Photo by:

Keep in mind that your septic system is a living environment.  The live bacteria in your system keeps it healthy and functioning properly.  Take a look around your household and see what chemicals and products may be killing your system.

 As always, I encourage you to share this post with others who may benefit from it.